There’s nothing like some Vitamin D to kickstart your morning.
Flood waters bring safety to this frolicking antelope family.
Now safe at Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue & Protection, this sweet girl enjoys cuddles with her carers.
One of Yellowstone’s smallest migrating birds fights to defend his flower patch.
Pronk around! Pronk around! Pronk up, pronk up and get down!
Jump on in, the water’s fine!
As the largest herbavores in the sea, dugons can eat an entire football field’s worth of sea grass in a single day.
Baby ostriches dodge elephants, giraffes, zebras, and brawling lions while trying to quench their thirst.
In the Luangwa Valley, conditions are perfect for baby leopards, elephants, monkeys and more to take their very first steps in the world.
An alpha male woos some lusty females with a show-stopping performance.
Using their binocular vision and precision beaks, hornbills successfully catch bats for dinner — for the first time ever caught on camera!
Ready or not, it’s time for these baby meerkats to leave the only home they’ve ever known.
It’s hard work to keep an eye on three rambunctious baby meerkat pups.
The attraction is mutual between these two young meerkats. But will family come between them?
The first day out of the den is equal parts exhilarating and exhausting for these tiny meerkat pups.
Triplet meerkat babies explore the world outside their den for the very first time.
A young male meerkat enters enemy territory for a chance at love.
Hummingbirds must consume half their weight in nectar each day — plus compete with hungry bees!
She’s very slow and very determined. Watch a sloth’s journey to a juicy clump of fresh leaves.
These playful young lion cubs annoy their sleep deprived parents in the grasslands.
A hungry hawk chases a crafty lizard through cacti in the desert. Will it end in a successful hunt or a great escape?
After enduring a sandstorm and miles of walking in brutal heat, these desert elephants celebrate with a fruit tree feast.
Young students at Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue & Protection learn to use rocks to crack open their food.
It’s hard to keep these little one’s attention, but the rescuers at Liberia Chimpanzee Rescue & Protection are up to the challenge.
A female turtle spends five long years returning to her birth site to lay hundreds of eggs of her own.
These adorable owls enjoy seasonal beetle delights and settle in for the breeding season.
After traveling thousands of miles, swallows quench their thirst in the heart of the Sahara.
These bold lizards of the Savannah hunt flies on top of sleeping lions.
This Kalahari territory isn’t big enough for the both of them.
Meet the tiny little dung beetle that could.
A Grévys zebra proves his worth to a mate.
A brave chimpanzee uses tools to break into a hidden beehive.
The last hatchling on the beach dodges predators from above and below on her way to the safety of the sea.
Only one hatchling in 1,000 will survive to adulthood, but the ones that do can live over 80 years.
Australia holds the largest concentration of prehistoric images in the world — including those of an ancient Tasmanian devil and the extinct Thylacine wolf.
Here’s how to hunt in the shallowest of waters.
The river holds a secret for any lizard willing to leap for it.
Few animals can survive in the harshest desert in the world, but these rare Bactrian camels manage just fine.
Watch and learn, grizzly cubs!
This three-toed pygmy sloth is doing his best to find “the one”!
Experience the unique sound of wings flapping 15 times per second.
But this Painted wolf mama certainly does!
Giant spiders, brutal weather conditions, and hours and hours of waiting are all worth it for the moments of pure animal magic.
These busy grasses have their own special music.
Follow some of our world’s most iconic animals as they do whatever it takes to protect their families.
Watch the fascinating techniques deployed by animals around the world to seduce a mate!.
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